GGHQ One Year On…

Holy smokes! I can’t quite believe it, it’s our first birthday!

GGHQ’s first year has been host to dozens of events and activities, including tournaments, in-houses, scrims and community-hosted quiz nights!

We’ve seen the content creators among you jointly create and share thousands of hours of video and music from your own Twitch, Soundcloud and YouTube channels.

Discord has been our most active platform, with over 71,491 messages posted on the General channel alone.

Thanks to every single one of you all who has in any way supported our platforms, or taken part in any of the hosted events. After an especially tricky year for all of us, you’ve mutually breathed life into a wonderful online community.

Prior to announcing GGHQ in 2020, we had set a number of targets for our first year, most of which we met; though there are some that we’d still like to accomplish over the next 12months, so here’s a glimpse at some things we’re aspiring for in 2021-2022:

  • Continuation of regular community game nights
  • Online GGHQ charity fundraiser event
  • Social meet ups (Dependant on Covid restrictions, obviously)
  • Website update
  • Mugs
  • Merch update
  • Time trial/Challenge events
  • PUBG Encore Event
  • CSGO Tiebreak In-house
  • Left4Dead2 Tiebreak Scrim
  • Halloween Stream
  • Exploring ways that we can better promote/spotlight community created content

And, though it’s impossible to know for certain when it can happen, we’ve started preparations for our first GGHQ LAN Event!

As always our ears are open to what you guys want to see from GGHQ, so drop us a DM if you have any ideas of events you’d like over the next year!

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