If your first thought is ‘what the hell is TTT’ well do we have some news for you!
Trouble in Terrorist town is a round based video game equivalent to some RP boardgames you might have played like ‘Werewolf’.At the start of a round, players are allocated a ‘role’. Dependant on your role, you have to carry out certain actions without letting on to the other players.
Traitors must kill all non traitors (except Jesters!)
Innocents must find out who the traitors are and kill them!
Detectives use their tools to help the innocents identify the traitors.
Jesters try and dupe innocents into killing them for a round win.
Phoenixes have the ability to resurrect themselves.
Survivalists have a small pool of weapons that they can buy from.
Mix in a few hundred other weapons/skins/behavioural mods, and TTT makes for one of the most ridiculous and side splitting game modes you can play on PC!Given that gameplay is best enjoyed for smaller pools of players, we may have to rotate some people in/out of rounds, but will determine this based on interest.