We’re incredibly excited to formally announce GGHQ today: A fresh new gaming brand based in Gloucestershire, UK.

GGHQ hopes to bring people together over a mutual love of video games. With a focus on gaming passion, community support and inclusiveness, our goals are to provide a welcoming community space for gamers to socialise online. A space where content creators and community members can feel like they’re valued and doing positive things!
In the coming weeks, we’ll be scheduling online community events, as well as tournaments/leagues for GGHQ members. We’ve also registered a number of platforms for you to meet new likeminded gamers, including Discord, Facebook, Reddit and more.
Finally, if you have any feedback for us as we start on our journey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with either Freerangeninja, JohnnyTitan or Eugene_Goat. We’re keen to make sure we’re doing everything we can in order to make GGHQ a community that you want to be a part of.